Not quite so for all those who thereby escaped the weather s wrath. Secretary Management and Staff General Manager Philippe de Manny Tel: General Manager s Personal Assistant Selina Mak Tel: Ext 812 Membership Service Manager Cobo Liu Tel: Financial Controller Leslie Chan Tel: House Manager Steven Ng Tel: Ext 800 Marine Services Manager Alex Johnston Tel: Food and Beverage Manager Alok Kumar Tel: Dinghy Sailing Manager Kevin Lewis Tel: Ext 833 General Enquiries Tel: Four Peaks Restaurant Tel: The Galley Coffee Shop Tel: Night Guard Emergency Contact Tel: P.1Ĥ Commodore s Letter I am no Jeremiah, quite the opposite but the remark in my introduction letter to the Four Peaks race that it invariably took place on the coldest weekend of the year proved woefully prophetic! Woeful in its disappointment for all those who had contributed so much towards its planning over the past many months, and the unwelcome decision to cancel for the first time in the event s 32-year history.

Clift Vice Commodore Alan Child Rear Commodore Sailing Richard Walker Rear Commodore House Matthew Johnson Hon. Please contact the editor at Flag Officers Chris Pooley Commodore Mark O.

P23 P24 Learn to sail over Easter ABC cricket team bests the Yacht Club Cover photo by Tim Edmonds: Crew Freya Darnton and helm Hariette Edmonds during the ABC 29er Nationals January 2016 Horizons welcomes ABC member contributions of articles and photos. Any unauthorised use of this publication will result in immediate legal proceedings. No part of this work, covered by the publisher s copyright may be reproduced in any form by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval, without the written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved, 2014 PPP Company Limited. The publisher, advertisers, contributors and their employees expressly disclaim all and any liability to any person, whether a purchaser of the publication or not, in respect of any action or omission or the consequences of any action or omission by any such person, whether whole or partial, upon the whole or part of the contents of this publication.

The publication is sold on the understanding that the publisher, advertisers, contributors and their employees are not responsible for the results of any actions, errors or omissions taken on the basis of information contained in this publication. 3 HORIZONS ISSUE 2016 /03 Published by: PPP Company Ltd Unit 713, Level 7, Core E, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Hong Kong Tel: Copyright: Aberdeen Boat Club Printed by: Asia One Printing Limited in Hong Kong ISSN: Editorial Contact: Ann White Advertising Sales Contact: Jo Allum P2 P3 P10 P12 P15 P16 P20 From the Top: Club news from Commodore Chris Pooley, Honorary General Secretary Nick Bodnar-Horvath and General Manager Philippe de Manny March food and beverage events and offerings Sail Sydney: Aberdeen Racing Academy sailors take top 29er prize ABC youth sailors face strong winds and tides at Worlds in Langkawi How Easter got where it is today ABC s April Classic Yacht Rally to hold Taipan Cup again ABC dinghy instructor bikes from London to Hong Kong Published by PPP Company Limited.